Is the mobile electronics business doomed?
I see all these stupid questions, these dim wits don’t seek out a professional installer they burn up thier rides! This is why business sucks!
any thoughts?
Best Buy? complete hacks!!! Free installs = worthless
I think they are forced to do the install on their own due to the poor economy. If they had extra cash I think they would for sure pay a professional to do it. I feel you pain tho. My store has progressivly declined over the past 3 years in sales. Then lets throw in ebay and online sales that under cut us. Its a dog eat dog world. Yes I do agree it sucks!
well actually business isnt do bad at all. stores like best buy or al&eds make alot of money daily so companies arent really losing out alot of the people asking questions about getting stuff installed mostly are asking because if they can do it there selfs they would but really dont want to get ripped off with high prices at stores and look for alternatives. and the other people who ask about fixing a problem are people who propably just tried without knowing enough and are trying to fix the problem now with help.
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installer for 6 years.
probably- most economy and luxury cars have great sound systems nowadays and the days of ghetto sound systems bumping the streets is so out. Ghetto is out- people want quality and are more refined in their taste and style. (Too bad there are some that think spending 10K on a sound system just to put it in their 2K honda is still cool)
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I think they are forced to do the install on their own due to the poor economy. If they had extra cash I think they would for sure pay a professional to do it. I feel you pain tho. My store has progressivly declined over the past 3 years in sales. Then lets throw in ebay and online sales that under cut us. Its a dog eat dog world. Yes I do agree it sucks!
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Pro Trucks Audio Video
I do my own installs on my vehicles, why pay someone to do what I already know how to do. The luxury vehiles that have good systems in them already, well that is part of the luxury. If the rest of the auto makers would get a clue and quit putting crap in our vehilces, then maybe the audio market would be doomed, but that is very unlikely to happen. Especially since people blow speakers every day. Also what your refering to ghetto is not ghetto at all, actually it is now mainstream.
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The economy may have some thing to do with it. Gas prices being higher and so forth a lot of people will not spend as much as they use to on car audio equipment. As far as stupid questions, I don’t think so it is just that a lot of the people asking questions are young kids that don’t have a lot of experience behind car audio. Just like the common question everyone ask will a 1200 watt 12" speaker hit better than a 500 watt 10inch speaker, no regard is given for the quality of the sub. You have to compare apples to apples you can’t compare a JL Audio sub say a 10w3v3 and a quality amp to a Sony Xplode 10" and sony amp something you can find at any Best Buy or Walmart. When you look at the investment your talking around $1000 for the JL Audio equipment as compared to around $300 for the Sony equipment. A lot of the people here really are not going to spend the money to invest in a quality system.
And I will add that I also started out when I was younger with a Radio Shack sound system before I eventually came to the realization that I would rather spend the high dollars and get the JL Audio equipment and enjoy a sound quality that is pretty much second to none. IMO
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