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how to make my money work for me?

December 30th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

How can I make my money work for me, to make more money?

Hi Lex,

You can make money from your writings in several ways. You can sell you writings in the form of an e book or report on Ebay. You can sell it in the form of a newsletter on your web page and ask people to subscribe for a small fee.

Another alternative method is to write your article for free but attach a link to it for some product which the article is promoting. There are lots of products on the web which you can sell for other people and earn a good commission. Sometimes up to 70% commission. Examples of such websites are Commission Junction, and Click Bank. You can submit this article with the link to hundreds of Article Directory websites for free.

The advantage of this is that you will have loads of links on the internet promoting your product. This in turn will lead to sales and profits!.Please don’t blatantly promote the product in your article and don’t include links to it in the body of the article. Most Article Directories will decline such articles.

  1. Matthew S
    December 30th, 2012 at 14:59 | #1

    Hi Lex,

    You can make money from your writings in several ways. You can sell you writings in the form of an e book or report on Ebay. You can sell it in the form of a newsletter on your web page and ask people to subscribe for a small fee.

    Another alternative method is to write your article for free but attach a link to it for some product which the article is promoting. There are lots of products on the web which you can sell for other people and earn a good commission. Sometimes up to 70% commission. Examples of such websites are Commission Junction, and Click Bank. You can submit this article with the link to hundreds of Article Directory websites for free.

    The advantage of this is that you will have loads of links on the internet promoting your product. This in turn will lead to sales and profits!.Please don’t blatantly promote the product in your article and don’t include links to it in the body of the article. Most Article Directories will decline such articles.
    References :
    This website will guide you step by step on how to make money online. Go ahead and read the free articles and resources. Please leave your comments and feedback

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