ebay question?
alright well I just made an ebay account and I was wondering when you put an object for sale and they make a bid for it can you accept it and decline it
once a person has made a bit you must sell the item. You cannot back out of it. All you can do is to add a starting price so you want more than that price but you will not be guaranteed of a sale
I don’t think so. You just let them keep bidding. I’m not sure, you can ask eBay Live Help though. (top right corner of page).
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once a person has made a bit you must sell the item. You cannot back out of it. All you can do is to add a starting price so you want more than that price but you will not be guaranteed of a sale
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If you want to make sure you make a certain about of $ you can set a reserve price. I have found though sometimes people don’t want to bid on items w/restrictions like this. They think they can find it somewhere cheaper. But, no you cannot accept/decline bids. If you were to decline it, you would hurt your account w/ebay & get bad feedback from the bidder.
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The only way you can really accept or reject an offer is to use the "Buy It Now or Best Offer" feature. This way people can send you offers, and you can send counter-offers, etc.
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no you cannot accept or decline the amount the person bids until the end of the set time you were given you wont know who has one the item you can however end the bidding early if you need to though its not advisable go to myebay at the top of the site to keep track of progress
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