Home > ebay sales decline > do you think its possible to make a good living from ebay ?

do you think its possible to make a good living from ebay ?

i do have an extremely well paid job ,i was actually thinking of setting up my two neices and my nephew with ebay accounts stock and a little capital.

I have shop on ebay – I have to say that it is extremely hard work – your sales are based on good photos, obviously positive feedback and clever listing. I also work full time so often, it feels like I have two jobs. I have noticed a decline in business over the past few months – probably due to the credit crunch. That said, last year I earn’t more from Ebay than I did from my job however, the fees can be quite high when you start selling in any volume. The key is to research whatever you want to sell to check out the competition – also look at the completed items to see what they are actually selling for. Ebay has tightened up the rules lately which means that there is less room for rip off merchants – which is only a good think. Unfortunately, ebay has a slight stigma to it which can limit what you can sell an item for. I offer a 7 day return policy which I have found gives people confidence to buy. I have only ever given one refund and so, it does seem to work. Start off small to test the water and work up from there. I have had a shop on Ebay for around three years. I am now setting up my own website.

  1. lorijotx
    January 1st, 2013 at 11:54 | #1

    Not since the changes that went into effect the last 3 months. I use to but not any more. 🙁
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  2. cyber07928
    January 1st, 2013 at 12:01 | #2

    how are you gonna get the stuf to sell if you dont have a job
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  3. retox
    January 1st, 2013 at 12:46 | #3

    I have shop on ebay – I have to say that it is extremely hard work – your sales are based on good photos, obviously positive feedback and clever listing. I also work full time so often, it feels like I have two jobs. I have noticed a decline in business over the past few months – probably due to the credit crunch. That said, last year I earn’t more from Ebay than I did from my job however, the fees can be quite high when you start selling in any volume. The key is to research whatever you want to sell to check out the competition – also look at the completed items to see what they are actually selling for. Ebay has tightened up the rules lately which means that there is less room for rip off merchants – which is only a good think. Unfortunately, ebay has a slight stigma to it which can limit what you can sell an item for. I offer a 7 day return policy which I have found gives people confidence to buy. I have only ever given one refund and so, it does seem to work. Start off small to test the water and work up from there. I have had a shop on Ebay for around three years. I am now setting up my own website.
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  4. Kim S
    January 1st, 2013 at 13:15 | #4

    You need to go to ebay and go to their message boards and ask those people … they will be able to help you out A LOT!!!!
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  5. Griff96
    January 1st, 2013 at 13:51 | #5

    You can definately make a good living from eBay! The catch is knowing the right strategies to really turn a profit. You have to plan before you buy products to sell. One of my best tips is purchasing products from a wholesaler and selling them on eBay. To learn more about eBay and proven strategies visit http://www.edaptedstudents.com or If you want, I can email you a free copy of an e-book that is about finding real wholesale products you can sell online. It really helped increase my eBay sales! Shoot me an email at zach@edaptedstudents.com and I will send that right out to you. I promise no spam, just profit driven resources. Good luck, hope to hear from you soon.
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  6. davetumalty
    January 1st, 2013 at 13:56 | #6

    due to the changes ebay made recently people are leaving on mass to other similar sites, who offer a better service for sellers than ebay ever have,

    If your looking to start trading online stick to one category of products, ie cloths, toys, games, and so on,

    Most new auction sites are specialist to one type of product like the new auction site http://www.gamebidder.co.uk its similar to ebay but just for video games, consols and DVD’s there fees are less than ebays and if you open a traders account you dont pay commission,

    But if your not into games then google auction sites and you will find loads
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