Home > ebay sales decline > Can you decline not having to pay for a item you won on ebay?

Can you decline not having to pay for a item you won on ebay?

December 8th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

I bided on a item on ebay I won, but I no longer want it can I decline it ? they sent me an email telling me to pay for it.. but I don’t want it no more?

In this kind of situation the best thing to do is to contact the seller asap and let them know you no longer want the item and apologise profusely and ask them to cancel the sale. This works most of the time.

The worst things to do is to be rude or to simply ignore them and not explain.

Nothing of real consequence will happen even if they report you to ebay. However, if you keep doing this your account will ultimately be banned.

  1. Treyshon
    December 8th, 2012 at 06:26 | #1

    In this kind of situation the best thing to do is to contact the seller asap and let them know you no longer want the item and apologise profusely and ask them to cancel the sale. This works most of the time.

    The worst things to do is to be rude or to simply ignore them and not explain.

    Nothing of real consequence will happen even if they report you to ebay. However, if you keep doing this your account will ultimately be banned.
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