Home > ebay sales decline > Are there any businesses or persons or clubs that buy Ty beanie babies ?

Are there any businesses or persons or clubs that buy Ty beanie babies ?

December 14th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

Or if I can find out if the beanie babies I have
may be worth anything ?

Any business that advertises that they will pay money for beanie babies is likely a scam.
The bottom has dropped out of the market. Most beanies go for fifty cents or a buck on ebay.
Usually, these companies want you to ship them, and then after an inspection, they will accept or decline the purchase. well guess what, I bet that unless you have one of the very rare beanies, the purchase will be declined. Then YOU pay to have them shipped back to you, or you can just let the company keep them for free.

Oh, someone will probably come on here and say, "I got $100 out of mine from company XYZ" Probably someone who works for company XYZ, And, in truth, it is often people from that same company that post these types of questions, just so they can advertise to unsuspecting collectors who are still hoping to get money in a dead market.

If you want to sell your beanies, go on ebay and see what they sell for. Sell the valuable ones there, where you will get the most money. Sell the rest at a garage sale for fifty cents. Or donate them.

  1. Tom
    December 14th, 2012 at 10:53 | #1

    My daughter’s boyfriend sold a bunch to this company last year:

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  2. i_love_stephanie@rocketmail.com
    December 14th, 2012 at 11:29 | #2

    i buy them, but i would have to know the info on what you got, what year they was made in…
    are they still in there boxes (if they came in one)
    or do they still have there tags?
    Still in fantastic shape, or is there wear and tear? plz more info… thanks
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  3. mingling
    December 14th, 2012 at 12:15 | #3

    i’d search your local collector’s shops you can also get a feel for how much folks are willing to pay (at least for certain ones) on ebay
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  4. Loius L
    December 14th, 2012 at 13:02 | #4

    Any business that advertises that they will pay money for beanie babies is likely a scam.
    The bottom has dropped out of the market. Most beanies go for fifty cents or a buck on ebay.
    Usually, these companies want you to ship them, and then after an inspection, they will accept or decline the purchase. well guess what, I bet that unless you have one of the very rare beanies, the purchase will be declined. Then YOU pay to have them shipped back to you, or you can just let the company keep them for free.

    Oh, someone will probably come on here and say, "I got $100 out of mine from company XYZ" Probably someone who works for company XYZ, And, in truth, it is often people from that same company that post these types of questions, just so they can advertise to unsuspecting collectors who are still hoping to get money in a dead market.

    If you want to sell your beanies, go on ebay and see what they sell for. Sell the valuable ones there, where you will get the most money. Sell the rest at a garage sale for fifty cents. Or donate them.
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