
Archive for the ‘ebay sales decline’ Category News: Existing Home Sales Decline

March 8th, 2013 No comments

Sales of U.S. existing homes fell in December due to a shrinking supply. Purchases fell by one percent to a 4.94 million annual rate according to the the National Association of Realtors. The reading was the second-highest since November 2009. Economists expected a gain to a 5.1 million rate.

This is Sayoko Murase for, taking you behind the ticker.

For, Behind The Ticker (TM)
Pass Fail News

Duration : 0:0:36

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What are Libraries for!

February 28th, 2013 25 comments

Children’s Author, Terry Deary, has set the cat among the pigeons by declaring that Libraries have had their day. Is he right? Yes and no.

But first we have to decide what libraries are for. Once everyone can agree we can move forward. The trouble is that when we say, “Save the Libraries,” we all have a completely different image in our heads about what it is we are saving!

I suppose this is the image that I have and what I think not only needs saving but building upon.

For my constant followers, you’ll know that I now have a teleprompter so will rant 🙂

Duration : 0:9:48

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Categories: ebay sales decline Tags:

Merchant Quick Start II

February 21st, 2013 No comments

Merchant Quick Start (Step-by-Step Instructions)

. Apply business account.
To apply for a business account, go to profile, enter and verify your PayPal email.
Then, at profile, contact, enter at least 1 location and contact number.
Back at profile, click “Apply Business Account”.

. Store details.
At profile, store, plan a Discount Scheme. Enter Return Policy, Customer Exclusion, and other details for your listing’s default.

Reload the page and you’ll see “Add New Item” on your profile panel.

. list point determines the number of listings a Merchant can post. read about list point in guide.


. click “add new item”.
. enter the details accordingly.

. Sale Type. There are 5 different sale types.

Nett : fixed priced items. Requires immediate payment. Can use add to cart feature.
Auction : best offers are disclosed to public. members are obligated to complete sale if offer accepted. merchant is obligated to accept best offer. Auction sale cannot use register sale feature.
Negotiable : offers are not disclosed to public. members are obligated to complete sale if offer accepted. merchant must state a deal price, and obligated to accept offer at deal price.
Guide Price : offers are not disclosed to public. members are obligated to complete sale if offer accepted. merchant must state a guide price, but is not obligated to accept offer at guide price.
Price on Ask : offers are not disclosed to public. members are obligated to complete sale if offer accepted.

. register only : Item is for register sale only. It cannot use add to cart and offer feature.

. template : You can select template from existing listings.

. Register Sale : useful for physical stores, services, private negotiations, etc.
first, enter member’s ID.
then, choose relevant items.
Enter postage details if applicable.
For offline payment, check “offline”.
Leave deal price empty for confidential price.
Register the sale according to status.

Customer will be notified by email, and need to acknowledge the sale.
Sale will be automatically declined after 1 day if left un-acknowledged.


You’ll receive email whenever there’s a new sale or offer. first, click sale.

Ordered : displays sales with order placed.

Order : “O” indicates an online sale (cart or offer), “R” indicates a registered sale.
Payment. “C” indicates customer’s action, while “M” indicates Merchant’s action. You can mark payment received manually for offline payments.
Delivery. mark item sent when it is. notice when u mouse over, customer profile appears on right panel. message tracking number to customer if applicable.
Dispute. There’re 3 types of disputes : payment not received, item not received, and item not as described.
Rate. Both parties can only rate and review after sale is completed
Share. to encouraging active rating, Customer can only enjoy share reward after rating.
Attachment. In event of dispute, please upload all relevant documents here.
Cancel. Both parties can mutually cancel sale and purchase before “complete”.
Refund. Indicates if sale is refunded.

Register : displays registered sales that’s not acknowledged yet. Click “view” for details.

Offer : displays all offers. Click on “best offer” to view all offers. for sale type negotiable, guide price, price on ask, You can accept an offer, decline an offer, or counter offer.

. Administrator : useful for stores, and all merchants that have staffs.
You can assign administrator, grant permissions, and update status of administrator.
Administrator can go to profile, network, store, to view store(s) that they have administrative access to.

Examples for more unique online trades :

Restaurant, apparel store, gift shop, salon, automobiles, Real estate, Brokerage, legal services, craftsmanship, interior design, etc. :
. set sale type as nett, negotiable, guide price, or price on ask.
. If you have staffs, sign up all staffs and assign them as administrator.
. Use register sale if more appropriate.
. Tip : You can create a listing for “service charge” or “tax”. set “price on ask”, and register only. Add and set price upon register sale.
. Sign up customers upon sale for discount, review, and reward.

. To send Feedbacks : sign in, scroll to bottom of any page, click contact.

Sign Up Now!

Music by : Kellee Maize – Listen (

Duration : 0:7:27

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Categories: ebay sales decline Tags:

free business plans for a dating site- where can i get one?

February 19th, 2013 1 comment

Hi Crystal,

If you are going to be successful will have to do your own unique BP. Say that you were to acquire a copy of the BP and decided to cut and paste to fit your idea. Even with all the cutting and pasting you would end up with a tiny and that is NOT what you want. You want what you are offering to be unique in a positive way like address a demographic that no one has thought of. For instance a service for 18-wheelers. Unfortunately, this would appear to be a scam for an "escort service".

The popularity of on-line dating is DECLINING BIG TIME because of all the abuses. I actually had an on-line date with a woman that posted a picture of her younger sister and you have heard the horror stories about the "perves",

So unless your really have a unique idea I think that you are wasting your time no matter how you "spin" it with a BP.

Unless you have a couple million for search placement and advertising no one will be able to find you and that is a BIG thing think for potential investors.

Here is a little true experience for you to consider.

I put up an on-line catalog in the BEGINNING when amazon and ebay were just starting. I had also written many new product proposals and a few BPs.

I had several interested investors but they wanted so sell at a loss to generate hits and volume and sell advertising etc.

My plan was to sell at a PROFIT with none of the other foolishness that buried and the rest of them that tanked. I also refused to sell my soul to the IB sharks.

The business worked for two years with a few people working until 3-4AM because we all had a regular job during the day.

If you want to get a taste of an internet business for a little money, try selling selling some stuff on Ebay.

The BLUNT truth is that NOBODY is going to give you a few million for on-line dating no matter how you spin the BP.

I also have no idea what level of experience you have with OLDing, but if you do not have an EXCELLENT Executive team with a TON of experience with OLDing it just is NOT going to happen.

If this is a school assignment you will learn NOTHING in the process and defeat the purpose of the class.

Just as a side note, I did sales and marketing consulting, got $200 and hour and called my own hours.

Good Luck,

Chapter 7 Bankruptsy Questions?

February 11th, 2013 2 comments

1. I have a lot of debt but lost track of all the creditors and collectors, can I do a credit report to find their information?

2. What if I file and left some creditors or collectors out, will they still be included?

3. I have a normal one bedroom apartment full of standard possessions. Will this remain mine?

~~There is a limit of what personal property you can retain, I know it’s $25,000 for a couple. You can get your three credit reports for free once a year from It tries to charge you for your credit score, just decline, you don’t need it. This will show most of your debtors. You must list them all otherwise if they are not discharged you will still owe them.

The apartment is not yours so is not part of your assets. Same with anything you make payments on, car etc. They are not assets unless you own them outright. For the inside possessions, you would add their worth as you would if you sold them on Ebay or a garage sale.~~

I need $2,500.00 to get myself out of trouble. Anyway to do it?

February 9th, 2013 4 comments

I am beyond in debt my credit score is 441 I do not want to use one of those check cashing places. is there any company out there that would give me a loan? The credit cards I have now, I pay on time but I think the damage is done.

With a credit score of 441, NO ONE is going to loan you any money (save a loan shark)

but not to worry it just means that you have to either earn more or spend less…..

If you cannot get another job or have a garage sale or sell things on ebay
you can cut your expenses…..get rid of cable or at least all of the pay channels

turn down the water heater settings
wear more clothing to bed so that you can have the house cooler in the winter
make a list for the grocery store and buy food for the week
take your lunch to work
on the weekends, entertain at your house
rent movies from the library
read the paper and find a few free or cost things to entertain you on the weekends

Give blood (plasma) by finding the donation place in your phone book….most of the winos and school kids go there so plan the hour accordingly…. if you go once per week you can make $150 a month and you can use that entire amount to pay down your debt….

Decline ALL wedding invitations unless it is immediate family
for birthdays, give the gift of your time (spend the day with the person, make dinner, run errands etc)
Dont be embarrassed to tell your loved ones what is going on so that they can help. Most have been there (with a tight budget) and will help you stay on track by finding lower cost alternatives for fun…
But most importantly, figure out how you got into this mess….
did you spend money that you did not have thinking you would pay it back later, did you try to impress a girl, do you impluse shop? until you figure out honestly how you got there, you will repeat this situation again
YOU MUST STOP using the cards TODAY

Paypal declines my credit card?

February 5th, 2013 1 comment

I was adding a Paypal account to my Xbox account. Everytime I click "Add Paypal", i sign in but then it asks me to add a new card when on top it says "You have one active card" but it doesn’t let me use it.
This is very frustrating.

Paypal’s cards are horrible. Had a very similar problem myself.

To use the card as a credit card, you need to call the customer service line on the back of the card and ask that the card be reactivated. Then they’ll send you a letter turning you down. Then you call again and say that you got a letter saying your card can’t be activated. Then they activate it.

Oh, but your credit limit is ungodly low. Mine was $127. I spend over $3,000 a month on my Visa, have a $2,000 cash balance from ebay sales on the paypal card – and paypal gives me a $127 credit limit… Um, okay.

I’d use a different card for your Xbox account.

Action Company Saddlesmith of Texas Ammerman Roping worth?

February 3rd, 2013 2 comments

I have it for sale, it was a rather expensive saddle, but I’ve had no bites at all. What do you think this saddle is worth?

An old Ammerman is worth what you are asking as they are much better quality.

However, yours was manufactured after they were bought out by Saddlesmith and their quality declined substantially.

It’s the same thing that happened to Bighorns after they were bought out by American Saddlery. The saddles started slowly turning into junk but people still paid premium prices for them because of the name. Once people realized they weren’t the same quality as the older ones their value began a steady decline just the same as Ammermans are doing now.

Your saddle is worth about half what you have it listed for since it isn’t an older, tried and true Ammerman but a sub-par quality Saddlesmith instead. You may get super-lucky and find someone ignorant as to the changes in that brand of saddle to pay that price but don’t count on it.

does anyone have any information about Narragansett brewing company? especially about when the fire took place

February 1st, 2013 2 comments

i want to sell some items on ebay the came from the original factory and i need more details about when the fire was and what not

The Narragansett Brewing Company was founded in Cranston, Rhode Island in 1888. It was closed on July 31, 1981, and then re-established in 2005.
Formerly the number one selling brand in New England, Narrangansett now occupies a relatively narrow segment of the market. Originally brewed in the city of Cranston, it was famous for its drinkability and the advertising slogan, "Hi, Neighbor, have a ‘Gansett!", most famously uttered by Boston Red Sox announcer Curt Gowdy.

Narragansett Brewing Company was founded in 1888 with $150,000 in capital and a brick brewing house was built in Cranston, Rhode Island. In December of 1890, the first beer was produced, and the following year, the company officially incorporated.
The grounds of the Narragansett Brewing Company included a barn, a stable, a blacksmith, seventy-five horses, forty-five wagons, gas-powered trucks, electric trucks, twenty-five refrigerated train cars and its own ice plant.
By 1891 the Narragansett Brewing Company brewed almost 28,000 barrels of beer under the company’s promise of the purest ingredients, uncompromising cleanliness of manufacturing and absolute perfection of brew.
In 1914, when the company built the most modern bottling plant in the region, it became official: Narragansett Brewing Company was the largest lager beer brewery in New England.
Rudolf F. Haffenreffer, would eventually become president and chairman of Narragansett Brewing Company and remain involved until his death in 1954. The Haffenreffer brewery in Boston survived until 1965, at which time brands like Haffenreffer Lager Beer, Pickwick Ale and Pickwick Bock Beer became the property of the Narragansett Brewing Company.
Falstaff Brewing Company purchased Narragansett Brewing Company on July 15, 1965 for $17 million in cash and $2 million in Falstaff common stock. The plan was for the brewery to continue operating as a wholly owned subsidiary of Falstaff, under Haffenreffer management, and that the Narragansett brand would be retained and actively promoted.
In the 1975, Steven Spielberg film Jaws the character played by Robert Shaw is seen drinking cans of Narragansett
In October 1974, nine years after they had first agreed to purchase the company, Falstaff completed the acquisition.
Multi-millionaire Paul Kalmanovitz obtained majority control of Narragansett’s parent corporation, the Falstaff Brewing Co., on April 28, 1975. The San Francisco brewer and businessman bought the brewery for an undisclosed amount. Soon after the purchase Falstaff’s corporate headquarters moved from St. Louis, Missouri to San Francisco, California.
The brewery officially closed on July 31, 1981. When production of the beer moved to the Falstaff plant in Fort Wayne, Indiana in 1982, many felt that the quality of the beer was not the same, and sales declines accelerated.
After changing hands several times, the brand was bought in 2005 by a team of local investors led by former juice executive Mark D. Hellendrung, who announced plans to expand its market share and reinvigorate the Narragansett brand identity.
Since the purchase, the brand has indeed been revitalized with the help of former brewmaster Bill Anderson, and some sharp new packaging. Narragansett beer, now contract brewed by High Falls Brewing Company, has been available again throughout Southern New England since spring of 2006.
In the summer of 2007, Narragansett reintroduced puzzle messages under the caps of their Haffenreffer line of beer. The puzzle messages were first used in the 1970s, and became one of the signature features of Haffenreffer.

There was no fire that I know of.

Our Miss Brooks: The Auction / Baseball Uniforms / Free TV from Sherry’s

January 31st, 2013 6 comments

Our Miss Brooks is an American situation comedy starring Eve Arden as a sardonic high school English teacher. It began as a radio show broadcast from 1948 to 1957. When the show was adapted to television (1952–56), it became one of the medium’s earliest hits. In 1956, the sitcom was adapted for big screen in the film of the same name.

Connie (Constance) Brooks (Eve Arden), an English teacher at fictional Madison High School.
Osgood Conklin (Gale Gordon), blustery, gruff, crooked and unsympathetic Madison High principal, a near-constant pain to his faculty and students. (Conklin was played by Joseph Forte in the show’s first episode; Gordon succeeded him for the rest of the series’ run.) Occasionally Conklin would rig competitions at the school–such as that for prom queen–so that his daughter Harriet would win.
Walter Denton (Richard Crenna, billed at the time as Dick Crenna), a Madison High student, well-intentioned and clumsy, with a nasally high, cracking voice, often driving Miss Brooks (his self-professed favorite teacher) to school in a broken-down jalopy. Miss Brooks’ references to her own usually-in-the-shop car became one of the show’s running gags.
Philip Boynton (Jeff Chandler on radio, billed sometimes under his birth name Ira Grossel); Robert Rockwell on both radio and television), Madison High biology teacher, the shy and often clueless object of Miss Brooks’ affections.
Margaret Davis (Jane Morgan), Miss Brooks’ absentminded landlady, whose two trademarks are a cat named Minerva, and a penchant for whipping up exotic and often inedible breakfasts.
Harriet Conklin (Gloria McMillan), Madison High student and daughter of principal Conklin. A sometime love interest for Walter Denton, Harriet was honest and guileless with none of her father’s malevolence and dishonesty.
Stretch (Fabian) Snodgrass (Leonard Smith), dull-witted Madison High athletic star and Walter’s best friend.
Daisy Enright (Mary Jane Croft), Madison High English teacher, and a scheming professional and romantic rival to Miss Brooks.
Jacques Monet (Gerald Mohr), a French teacher.

Our Miss Brooks was a hit on radio from the outset; within eight months of its launch as a regular series, the show landed several honors, including four for Eve Arden, who won polls in four individual publications of the time. Arden had actually been the third choice to play the title role. Harry Ackerman, West Coast director of programming, wanted Shirley Booth for the part, but as he told historian Gerald Nachman many years later, he realized Booth was too focused on the underpaid downside of public school teaching at the time to have fun with the role.

Lucille Ball was believed to have been the next choice, but she was already committed to My Favorite Husband and didn’t audition. Chairman Bill Paley, who was friendly with Arden, persuaded her to audition for the part. With a slightly rewritten audition script–Osgood Conklin, for example, was originally written as a school board president but was now written as the incoming new Madison principal–Arden agreed to give the newly-revamped show a try.

Produced by Larry Berns and written by director Al Lewis, Our Miss Brooks premiered on July 19, 1948. According to radio critic John Crosby, her lines were very “feline” in dialogue scenes with principal Conklin and would-be boyfriend Boynton, with sharp, witty comebacks. The interplay between the cast–blustery Conklin, nebbishy Denton, accommodating Harriet, absentminded Mrs. Davis, clueless Boynton, scheming Miss Enright–also received positive reviews.

Arden won a radio listeners’ poll by Radio Mirror magazine as the top ranking comedienne of 1948-49, receiving her award at the end of an Our Miss Brooks broadcast that March. “I’m certainly going to try in the coming months to merit the honor you’ve bestowed upon me, because I understand that if I win this two years in a row, I get to keep Mr. Boynton,” she joked. But she was also a hit with the critics; a winter 1949 poll of newspaper and magazine radio editors taken by Motion Picture Daily named her the year’s best radio comedienne.

For its entire radio life, the show was sponsored by Colgate-Palmolive-Peet, promoting Palmolive soap, Lustre Creme shampoo and Toni hair care products. The radio series continued until 1957, a year after its television life ended.

Duration : 1:29:55

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