Home > Auction > Who is a certified check written to in a property auction?

Who is a certified check written to in a property auction?

December 28th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

What should you do at a property auction where you need a certified check but you are not sure who to make the check out to??

These auctions in my area can be very confusing. If you don’t know this there are a lot of other things you also probably don’t know.

I would suggest that you go to two or three auctions with out bidding. Watch how they work and talk with people that you meet there. Ask them questions. You will be much better prepared after that.

At least call your county government and ask them questions.

  1. glenn
    December 28th, 2012 at 15:58 | #1

    These auctions in my area can be very confusing. If you don’t know this there are a lot of other things you also probably don’t know.

    I would suggest that you go to two or three auctions with out bidding. Watch how they work and talk with people that you meet there. Ask them questions. You will be much better prepared after that.

    At least call your county government and ask them questions.
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  2. Steve L
    December 28th, 2012 at 16:11 | #2

    Generally the check is made to the action company and they are responsible for distribution of proceeds
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  3. Worldly25
    December 28th, 2012 at 16:41 | #3

    You need to find out who is running the Auction. Where I live the County Treasurer runs the auctions and the check gets made out to the county
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