Home > Auction > What would be the right way to sell 2 items on eBay as an auction?

What would be the right way to sell 2 items on eBay as an auction?

I have 2 brand new LRG G-Shock watches I want to sell on eBay as auctions, but I’m not sure what would be the best way.
Would it be good to list them each on a separate auction at the same time?
I’d really appreciate a few tips.

you can list them as multiple items in 1 auction, just click "2" available, it will save you list fees & time.

  1. krn001
    January 7th, 2013 at 08:50 | #1

    you can list them as multiple items in 1 auction, just click "2" available, it will save you list fees & time.
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  2. JoeDaEbayKing
    January 7th, 2013 at 09:32 | #2

    Based on my own research (Free btw), your watch (depending on it’s syle) will go anywhere from appx. $200 to $400.

    What would be the right way to auction those watches?

    Because you don’t have experience selling those watches, what I normally do to test and see what an item will go for easily is to start the auction off low — for those watches, I’d start it around $50 — and use the RESERVE AUCTION FEATURE.

    Reserve auctions lets you set the minimum price you will be comfortable selling your watch FOR in case the bids don’t reach at least the MINIMUM your willing to accept for the watch.

    Do a normal auction + SET A RESERVE (don’t forget this, otherwise you could sell your watch for far to less than it’s ebay market value).

    Of course, there are other ways, but for your situation, this is one of the best ways to not only generate interest in your watch, but control over the outcome of the auction.

    Bidders are not turned off by reserves cotratry to belief. Now go for it 😉
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  3. Alfonso
    January 7th, 2013 at 10:07 | #3

    I personally prefer not to set a reserve price because people feel cheated. The point of an auction is that the best bid wins.

    Since your watches are new, I would go for the Buy Now option with two pieces available. Use benefits in your title as well as the model.

    You can also set an auction with one of them starting at $1. In such case, include as many weekends as posible in your publication so you can get more visitors. Good luck!

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  4. spartan973
    January 7th, 2013 at 10:27 | #4

    list them as multiple items.
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