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What time should I put an auction for ebay up if I want to get the most people?

November 30th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

I want to put an auction to end when the most people (globally) are on.

So what time is the best so I can cover the most countries?

From Powerseller status experience, end the auction on a Sunday night between 7-9 pm

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  1. Kylash
    November 30th, 2012 at 05:17 | #1

    I would think around 9AM EST.
    References :
    eBay Powerseller

  2. sinsaregone
    November 30th, 2012 at 05:47 | #2

    From Powerseller status experience, end the auction on a Sunday night between 7-9 pm
    References :

  3. Deep in Thought
    November 30th, 2012 at 06:17 | #3

    It’s not as much when you put it up as when the auction will end. I assume you’re thinking of running your auction for 7 days. I have placed items up for 7 days that got not bids until the last couple of days. And I’ve put up 3 day auctions that did better than 7 day ones.

    Lot’s of people think late Sunday is the best day to end an auction in the U.S. I’ve been running eBay auctions for years and I actually have more luck with Monday evenings. Apparently many people don’t discover an auction until Sunday, then watch it until Monday evening.

    If you’re aiming for a bidders in a particular country, check it’s time zone. Obviously, there would not be an ideal end time for the entire world.
    References :

  4. CyberJay
    November 30th, 2012 at 07:01 | #4

    Surprised by the answers so far…

    I say 9PM Central, Tues/Wed/Thurs. Not too late for central or east coasters, after business hours on the west coast.

    As for days of the week… Mondays are bad for everyone, and Fridays and Saturdays are usually busy or relaxed, neither good for auctions. Maybe Sunday night, never tried.
    References :
    200 auctions and counting…

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