Home > Auction > SOLD 4.2 Million the Original 1966 Batmobile built by George Barris auctioned off by Barret Jackson

SOLD 4.2 Million the Original 1966 Batmobile built by George Barris auctioned off by Barret Jackson

This is a vid capture of the auction for the original #1 1966 Batmobile build by George Barris for the 1966 Batman tv series. This was the #1 car the car built from the 1955 Lincoln Futura prototype car. It had been owned by George since it was built for the show.. this is the first time it was ever put up for sale publicly. The car sold for the hammer price of 4.2 million but with the buyers premium of 10% it came up to a total of 4.62 million.

Thanks to www.Moviepropcollectors.com for linking this video first 🙂

Duration : 0:14:58

[youtube TNIpjHy7500]

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  1. mateo mojica
    March 8th, 2013 at 04:50 | #1

    I’ll say
    I’ll say

  2. Marc Chervin
    March 8th, 2013 at 04:50 | #2

    JC ; you’re to …
    JC ; you’re to stupid to know where to put an apostrophe in a word, and DJ ( rhymes with BJ) the ejector seat in the Batmobile was made for guys like you; to stupid to know a classic treasure when you see one. Tools….

  3. DJrezafication
    March 8th, 2013 at 04:50 | #3

    I wouldn’t take …
    I wouldn’t take that car if they offered to pay me $500

  4. rocker85675
    March 8th, 2013 at 04:50 | #4

    google the buyers …
    google the buyers name, interesting stuff….

  5. loh1110
    March 8th, 2013 at 04:50 | #5

    My dream car.
    My dream car.

  6. JCKingstoneLife
    March 8th, 2013 at 04:50 | #6

    I wont even buy it …
    I wont even buy it for 50 bucks.

  7. MaxxFordham
    March 8th, 2013 at 04:50 | #7

    We have it right …
    We have it right here in Utah at the Parts + Plus Autorama in the South Towne Expo. Center in Sandy!

    My dad took me there to see this and many other cool cars for my birthday yesterday (Feb. 23)! I’m as many years old as this show has had of seasons (39). (Happy b. day to me, heheh! Only 1 more year before I hit the big 4-0. Bleh.)

    So yes, you can rest assured that for now this car IS still available for you to see in person if they bring this version of the Autorama to an area you can get to!

  8. MaxxFordham
    March 8th, 2013 at 04:50 | #8

    We have it right …
    We have it right here in Utah at the Parts + Plus Autorama in the South Towne Expo. Center in Sandy!

    My dad took me there to see this and many other cool cars for my birthday yesterday (Feb. 23)! I’m as many years old as this show has had of seasons (39). (Happy b. day to me, heheh! Only 1 more year before I hit the big 4-0. Bleh.)

    So yes, you can rest assured that for now this car IS still available for you to see in person if they bring this version of the Autorama to an area you can get to!

  9. Michael Leadingham
    March 8th, 2013 at 04:50 | #9

    ok what was jeff …
    ok what was jeff dunnham doing at barrett Jackson where walter lol man sweet car I live next door to the guy who bought this car now I can see this car everyday sooo sweet

  10. sispage01
    March 8th, 2013 at 04:50 | #10

    I was totally …
    I was totally disappointed when I heard that the original Batmobile had sold. I really had my heart set on seeing it someday. Hopefully, the new owner will donate it to a museum in the future, or even have it sitting on display somewhere. That guy bought a precious piece of American History there, and he should be thrilled to share it with the whole world, like the original owner and creator George Barris did.

  11. P00kyLikesFoxies
    March 8th, 2013 at 04:50 | #11

    helping world …
    helping world poverty here

  12. fiddlerpin
    March 8th, 2013 at 04:50 | #12

    If they would have …
    If they would have had Adam West and Burt Ward Drive the car on stage I’ll bet it would have gone for even more! George is an Icon of the automobile kustomization world. I have his autograph on several T shirts from his visit to our car club Dead Mans Curve. A great guy!

    March 8th, 2013 at 04:50 | #13

    Mr. Barris is one …
    Mr. Barris is one of the mosr genuinly true good-ghearted honest and friendliest person in the business I have ever met, and I have met thousands of them. Took my son to the car show when he was about 6 and got Mr. Barris autograph, and while signing he asked about us, I told him how I’d been working on cars since I was 9 and he invited son and I to sit down beside him and visit

    March 8th, 2013 at 04:50 | #14

    . We did, he told …
    . We did, he told us his story, his familt owned a resteraunt and he didnt like washing dishes, began working on cars at a young age. He told us many of his secrets and later a tv crew came to interview him, he asked us to wait, then when he was done he took us to lu nch!.Now son is older I showed him this video and he lost it, but great memories of good times and made possible by this gracious gentleman of the auto business we all love to be a part of…thanks for posting this up!!!

    March 8th, 2013 at 04:50 | #15

    entry fees they …
    entry fees they collect are triple actual base costs for these events, thats why these fuys are multi-millionaires from this, great idea and alot of work making them thestandard for collector car sales!.And they do try hard to get top dollar for your car….when they do sell the commissions they gather are enormous.

  16. paranormal33
    March 8th, 2013 at 04:50 | #16

    Lincoln Futura
    Lincoln Futura

  17. Rinku588
    March 8th, 2013 at 04:50 | #17


  18. John Loring
    March 8th, 2013 at 04:50 | #18

    Too bad Adam West …
    Too bad Adam West or Burt Ward weren’t there. $4.2 million?? Holy Bat-Bucks!!!

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