Home > Auction > My home was lost to foreclosure via auction. How can I verfiy that it actually sold at the auction?

My home was lost to foreclosure via auction. How can I verfiy that it actually sold at the auction?

December 23rd, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

I believe that an investment company won the auction and then failed to close the deal within the specified time. They were trying to flip the house and I don’t think they were able so they forefitted the bid deposit. The auction was on June 12 and there still are no recorded documents according to the county recorder’s office. Any advice on how to get to the bottom of this. I have moved on, but I just want some closure as to how it all played out. Thanks.

You can call the county recorder’s office or the clerk’s office and ask them to tell you who currently owns your property, as well as any liens on the property right now.

That would be the easiest way, since the county in which the property is located keeps all of the records affecting the property. If the foreclosure went through but there was a problem with the sale, they will be able to give you that information.

But if you are right and there are still no documents that have been recorded to show a transfer of ownership, then the house may have to be auctioned again at a later date. If the high bidder could not pay, the house may just go back to sheriff sale.

In the meantime, you might still be the owner of the property, just as you were during the foreclosure process. It is usually the confirmation of the sale that transfers final ownership — if that hasn’t been done in your case, you may still own the property for now.

Hope that helps.

  1. Oscar
    December 23rd, 2012 at 05:31 | #1

    Sorry to hear about your loss. The only way I know you would be able to find out is through the mortgage company that auctioned it.
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  2. Cboo94
    December 23rd, 2012 at 06:19 | #2

    how about checking your county assessor’s website. you can put in your parcel number or address and the property will come up with owner’s information, whether it is the bank or you or whomever, price, info about the house, etc.
    References :

  3. godged
    December 23rd, 2012 at 06:50 | #3

    I agree that you should check with the county assessor’s office. Not all tax assessors have this info on line, you may have to pay them a visit or call the office.
    References :
    Oregon Realtor

  4. foreclosurefish_com
    December 23rd, 2012 at 07:10 | #4

    You can call the county recorder’s office or the clerk’s office and ask them to tell you who currently owns your property, as well as any liens on the property right now.

    That would be the easiest way, since the county in which the property is located keeps all of the records affecting the property. If the foreclosure went through but there was a problem with the sale, they will be able to give you that information.

    But if you are right and there are still no documents that have been recorded to show a transfer of ownership, then the house may have to be auctioned again at a later date. If the high bidder could not pay, the house may just go back to sheriff sale.

    In the meantime, you might still be the owner of the property, just as you were during the foreclosure process. It is usually the confirmation of the sale that transfers final ownership — if that hasn’t been done in your case, you may still own the property for now.

    Hope that helps.
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