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How does selling your house at auction work?

Hi. I am considering putting my ground floor two bedroom flat up for auction. I want a quick sale because I have seen a house I like. I am very lucky as I don’t need to make money on my flat as I have savings. I just interested to know how auction selling works.

Contact a local real estate auction company and ask them. You can put a reserve price on it, so it doesn’t end up selling for a dollar. Most auction companies will work with real estate agents representing buyers, and you will want to know how they will market the house prior to the auction. There will be set times for buyers to view the house before the auction. Please understand that most people buying are not going to be interested in an auction, and those who are, are looking to get it at a rock-bottom price. You may get a quicker sale with more money if you just list it with a real estate office at a relatively enticing price.

  1. dog ma
    June 26th, 2012 at 05:30 | #1

    Contact a local real estate auction company and ask them. You can put a reserve price on it, so it doesn’t end up selling for a dollar. Most auction companies will work with real estate agents representing buyers, and you will want to know how they will market the house prior to the auction. There will be set times for buyers to view the house before the auction. Please understand that most people buying are not going to be interested in an auction, and those who are, are looking to get it at a rock-bottom price. You may get a quicker sale with more money if you just list it with a real estate office at a relatively enticing price.
    References :
    Real estate broker

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