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Are cars at an Insurance Auto Auction repaired before being sold to the public?

December 24th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

hi im planning on buying a car from a local Insurance Auto Auction. I know that the vehicle is a salvage title and the pictures they have shown are the pictures of the cars damage, but i wanted to know if they repair the car before they put it up for bidding or do they sell the car damaged and the buyer has to repair the car.


I somehow don’t think you really understand what a salvage title is, you want to play Russian roulette with your life go ahead.
If you went shopping for a chair that cost $100. and right next to it the identical chair $40. but the sticker said all 4 legs were broken at one point but now glued together and declared safe… THAT’S SALVAGE…how safe would you feel sitting on it, never mind going down the hwy at 70 mph.

As for buying at an auction read this link http://www.usedcartips.org/AUCTIONS.html and then you decide

  1. dodge man
    December 24th, 2012 at 21:02 | #1

    no the insurance company sells them as is,they accept the best offer they can get on them to make up for the loss they take on paying out for these cars,the only thing that they do is remove any blood from the car,by law they aren’t allowed to sell anything that has had blood in it,this is cleaned before they are sold,but all the damage you see will still be there,good luck.
    References :
    been a certified mechanic for 37 yrs.

  2. soothsayer
    December 24th, 2012 at 21:39 | #2

    i think the latter. it’s "as-is" you can look at it, maybe under the hood if they let you, but that’s it, you buy as-is, if you do buy it, and they hand you the keys and it doesn’t work, well, now you have to pay for towing too.
    References :

  3. jrie67
    December 24th, 2012 at 22:10 | #3

    AS IS!!!!
    References :

  4. deserontoshamrock
    December 24th, 2012 at 22:45 | #4

    they never repair them, thats why they sell them so cheap
    References :

  5. mdcbert
    December 24th, 2012 at 22:51 | #5

    NO NO NO!!

    These are wrecks, sold for scrap or as parts cars to rebuilders.

    Salvage titles cannot be made into "regular" titles.

    TOW yards are a good bet, they have LIEN titles, and oftentimes the cars even have keys. You can get a regulat title with LIEN paperwork!
    References :

  6. Ray
    December 24th, 2012 at 23:26 | #6

    I somehow don’t think you really understand what a salvage title is, you want to play Russian roulette with your life go ahead.
    If you went shopping for a chair that cost $100. and right next to it the identical chair $40. but the sticker said all 4 legs were broken at one point but now glued together and declared safe… THAT’S SALVAGE…how safe would you feel sitting on it, never mind going down the hwy at 70 mph.

    As for buying at an auction read this link http://www.usedcartips.org/AUCTIONS.html and then you decide
    References :
    Buying – selling over 30 years http://www.usedcartips.org/

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