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Aj Auction Software

As the popularity of online auctions grows and the web interface further improves the management of buyers and sellers; an increasing number of auctioneers are realizing the benefits of incorporating web enabled auction software.

AJ Auction software empowers you to conduct e-business in a new way. Introduce flexible and dynamic pricing into your sales strategy and provide your customers with a more interactive and exciting way to purchase your goods and services on-line. Our mission is to provide you with the auction software you need to run a successful on-line venture.

AJ Auction is a complete web-based auction management system, administrators can list an unlimited number of auction items. Administrators manage auction categories and items from a secure administration area, with the ability to upload product images, starting bids, detailed product descriptions, item values, reserve amounts, bid increments, optional Buy Now pricing and more.. Email management system, which allows an administrator to maintain email lists and send. AJ Auction integrates with the industry’s top payment processors, so you manage the intake of your money.

Featured items are shown at the middle of the auction items webpage. Our fully customizable website includes an auction registration page, where user has to register in order to make bids on your auction items. Once after the registration user can sell or buy the item. User can create a Store, update the profile, arise a dispute etc… Seller can also view the bid history for the item with the current bid included from the starting bid. AJ Auction works as a stand-alone online auction.

  • Your Satisfaction is GUARANTEED!
  • 100 % Customizable Design
  • Template Based Script
  • Integrated Community and Feedback forums
  • Fast, Easy and Friendly after Sales Support
  • In Built Payment Gateway Integration
  • Easy Admin with Advanced Features
  • Powerful, Feature Rich Auction Software
  • Quality Scripts Using MYSQL
  • Full 24/7 Customers Support

Sources:  http://www.ajsquare.com/products/auction/index.php

AJ Square Inc

  1. infinite_1
    July 4th, 2012 at 22:03 | #1

    Where can I find online auction software at a good cost?
    I am going to strart an online auction site like ebay. Does anyone know where I can find good auction software. Most of the prices I have found for software has been $800.00 and up. I would like to find a less expensive software if possible.

  2. xyz
    July 5th, 2012 at 03:05 | #2

    not sure about that one.
    References :

  3. Julia S
    July 5th, 2012 at 03:07 | #3

    Does free sound OK?


    They look after all the technical details whilst you concentrate on the marketing.
    References :

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