
Archive for June, 2012

ebay tips?

June 29th, 2012 2 comments

hello I am selling some products for home decors. I just recently set up an account with ebay as a new seller.
need some advice on how to get some sales going.
so if you have any and is a seasoned seller on ebay and can share some tips. email me@

get feedback up to at least 10 before you start selling
I am leary about buying from newbies with 0 feedback

What to say to a difficult person?

June 29th, 2012 2 comments

I sold an item on ebay and they want to return it. I told them that all my sales are final, but they are insisting that they return it for a refund. I sold them a brand new slow cooker and they are claiming that it doesn’t cook the food and doesn’t get hot enough. They have had the item for 2.5 weeks. What do I say to this person to get it thru his thick skull that when I said my sales are final, that means final and final means he can not return it. Thanks.


As long as you stated in the ebay listing that are sales are final then you are fine. That can be held up as a legal contract and when he placed his bid he was agreeing to the terms that were listed in the auction. There is nothing that he can do. 🙂

eBay Sales Tax Question Schedule C?

June 29th, 2012 1 comment

This will be my first year filing a Schedule C for an eBay business and was wondering if a high revenue/low profit margin situation is a red flag. For example, my cost of goods was roughly $443,000 and my sales were $404,000 with approx $76,000 remaining in inventory. My gross income is approx $37,000 and after deductions, I am down to $25,000. I know its not an exact science, but would the fact that my net income comes to approximately 6% of my total sales make me a prime audit candidate?


the things that attract an audit are unusually high specific expenses in relation to the rest of your expenses and in comparison with industry standards

How do I run a clothing sales business on eBay?

June 29th, 2012 1 comment

I am leaving my job as a teacher in a month’s time. I have recently been working weekends selling clothing on a market. I get the stock by buying it in bulk from reputable wholesalers – it’s all new, authentic stuff. The market is going OK but the terrible British summer we’re having is slowing down trade. I’ve decided to move into a shop unit instead, possibly in Leeds or Doncaster.
However, I want to sell my stock on eBay as well. I have used eBay a lot over the years almost as a car-boot style selling place. If I have junk or old football programmes or unwanted DVDs in the loft, I’ve auctioned them on ebay and got a bit of extra cash for them.
Last night, I listed a couple of my market garments as bulk listings. with a fixed price, not as auctions. This morning I decided to list some more, but got told I had surpassed my limit for selling reputable high street clothing this month.
I understand that this is to prevent tax fraud – to stop me from theoretically earning thousands and thousands of pounds on eBay and not paying a penny in tax.
The point is, I want to make thousands and thousands of pounds. I want to make a living out of it. And I want to pay my taxes fairly. This would either be alongside the shop I will be opening, or in place of it if it is successful enough as a purely online venture.
Can someone please talk me through how to set up my ebay account so that I can trade legitimately as a business rather than a casual seller flogging junk from his loft?
How do I register for a VAT number? How do I get the selling restrictions lifted? Etc. Treat me as if I know nothing and talk me through the whole process step by step, please.

with ebay also try some other methods like email marketing or internet marketing,
please check :

Ebay users, is this buyer a waste of time?

June 29th, 2012 5 comments

I had an auction up on Ebay, with an item listed for $1800. This one user kept messaging me asking about the item and asking if I’d ship internationally, so I thought maybe they would bid, but no. I had lots of watchers but the item didn’t sell, so I listed it as BIN/Best offer. The same user puts an offer in for $450, which was just downright insulting but I figured maybe they just don’t know how to haggle. I gave them a counter offer and they sent me another offer for $500, which I declined. I politely explained that I simply can’t accept that low an amount and let them know what my lowest acceptable amount is. Again, no bid.

I finally took the item off auction. Now they are emailing me asking if we can work something out. I kind of just want to block them because I feel like they are just wasting my time, but on the other hand I don’t want to lose the chance for a potential sale.

Got any advice for an Ebay newbie?
It’s definitely not overpriced. I paid almost $4000 retail.

I personally wouldn’t bother with them. They didn’t put in a bid on the first one, ok they may have forgotten but when they offered and you refused, they didn’t carry on until they were happy with the price.

I’m assuming that they are international? I would check their rating and if they don’t have 100% I wouldn’t trust them. It sounds as if they want it shipped to them but then they "won’t receive" the item to which you are going to have to give them a refund and then you yourself would lose out.

If you want, put the item back on Ebay but list it as local shipping only, eg no international. Then refuse any future communications with them and if necessary, block them.

Good luck.


I want to start selling on Ebay anybody has some good tips for a beginner?

June 29th, 2012 5 comments

would want advice from someone with Ebay selling experience…thanks

I sold items for a year on ebay after closing a retail shop I owned for 3 years. I then ended up selling items for others.

Here’s my advice….in short anyways since I’m pressed for time.

Run 7 day auctions…starting around 7 pm Eastern Sunday to Sunday.

Start bidding at 99 cents!

Flat rate shipping via Priority Mail (use flat rate boxes or other….and always tack on a dollar or more for handling fee…which most buyers expect…to cover cost of packaging materials beyond the free boxes you can get at

Keep your description to the point and don’t ramble on and on. I used the same format for all items I sold and just filled in the blanks.

Make sure your photos are of the best quality. Photos sell.

Let me know if you have other questions. (

How to start an auction house and become an auctioneer?

June 29th, 2012 2 comments

I am interested in starting an auction house in Florence or Queen Creek Arizona. I have determined I would like to become a licensed auctioneer and run the auction myself. I need to acquire the knowledge needed to run a well organized auction and becoming a licensed auctioneer. Is anyone familiar with the process of running a successful auction house in Arizona?


Peruse the National Auctioneers Association (NAA) Web site for an overview of the auction world (see


Attend auctions for insight into the pace of the work. Also view the increasing numbers of auctions on TV and contact the sources they provide to gain information about the field.


Look into attending one of the auction schools listed on the NAA site to develop your bid-calling skills.


Understand that many auctioneers today also receive college degrees, with coursework in public speaking, marketing, acting and business. Find out if your state is one that requires licensure and a college degree to attain it.


Realize that you might begin working for an auction service as a ring person, who is an assistant responsible for confirming bids and attending to the small details of an auction. This work is a good way to get hands-on experience, since different types of auctions involve different procedures.


Become an expert in a few areas ‘ for example, real estate, art and livestock ‘ so that you will gain a solid reputation in those specialties.


Expect to eventually have to run your own auction business if you want to become very successful.

Tips for Selling on Ebay – Attracting More Hits and Bidders

June 28th, 2012 No comments

This article assumes you have an eBay seller account. You may have tried to sell already, but so far your responses to those auctions were unsatisfactory or non-existent, and you are discontent about the entire experience. Read on, and gain essential tips for selling on eBay, to encourage more active participation, and to hopefully get higher final bids. eBay Auctions can be fun, and profitable.

Looking at the auction sites, you notice instantly that many listings are made by professionals. Either they have a regular existing business and are using the auctions as another way to move their inventory, or they are in business for the exclusive purpose of selling online. In recognition of that, some auction sites have set up a special section for ongoing sales enterprises; eBay calls them “eBay Stores”.

What can you do to get your auctions noticed, among all the “big-boys” who are out there? How can you put together an auction that will sell? The key for you is to brainstorm an overwhelming presentation and give a personalized description. Auctions are for everyone, including you, The little guy, so don’t feel intimidated.

It’s really not a secret. Just understand what is important to the audience and learn the best ways to show your items. Some sites, such as eBay, host in-depth discussion forums you may participate in, as well as tremendous help sections with many tips for improving your results.

Catch Their Eye

Gallery photos focuses attention on your auction immediately. These thumbnail images appear in search result listings, and can be used to make your auction stand out from the rest. You don’t always want to show the full-overview of your item in the small gallery pic; sometimes a close-up or specific detail can entice viewers to click and view your auction. A bit of “mystery” in the Gallery picture can be a positive thing.

Clear photographs in the listing itself are critical. Good lighting and sharp focus help to convey the essence of your item. Since the buyer cannot touch or pick up the actual thing, you must provide a “virtual tour” of each dimension. Do not forget to include a sense of size, possibly by including an object that is easily identified (a coin, for example). The more pictures, the better.

Headlines and Sub-Titles

Right at the top, tell the story. There is a limit on the number of characters you can type in one line, so maybe you’ll wish to add a second line to further describe the auction and provide important details.

You can incorporate some common abbreviations:

* NIB (New In Box)
* N/R (No Reserve)
* BIN (Buy It Now)

Some sellers like to use ALL CAPS, while others elect to Capitalize Each Word. It is a matter of personal preference. In general, the best headlines are a mixture of both. You may like to use a lot of !!!!Exclamation Points!!!! or use other ways to make the headline ***stand out***

This is your main introduction. This is your big chance to get buyers to click on the auction. Spend some time and give a lot of thought on the headline: Write a few different versions (and maybe have other people in your office or home take a look at them and offer advice). No matter the style you adopt, keep the headline direct and to the point, letting the searcher know exactly what you have.

If they are curious, they will click on the auction.

Item Description

Once you have landed the potential bidder to open your auction main page (with your Stunning Gallery Photo and Punchy Headline), now there is another major task ahead of you. That’s right, you need to describe the item in detail.

This part can make or break the auction. A good rule of thumb is to provide as much information as possible, and give the good, the bad and the ugly. Tell it like it is. Before you type up the description to post, begin with a blank wordprocessor document and put down the features, the history, the defects, the benefits, the uses, the unique attributes, and, yes, the problems. Add anything you can think of which helps the buyer in his/her decision-making process. Then use this document as the basis for your final description text.

Try to avoid putting the entire description into one solid block of text on the webpage. While you may wish to learn a bit of basic HTML to “spice up” the overall look of your auction, the most basic thing you can do is to put in the paragraph tag. This breaks up the text into more readable segments and allows for clearer comprehension.

Start the Bidding

Take a peek at other auctions being conducted for similar items as yours. This will give you an idea of the prices and the level of interest (measured in actual bids or even page-views displayed at the bottom of many auctions). If a chess set you have to sell is a rare antique, it might not be such a great idea to offer it at $1.00 with no reserve.

On the other hand, you do not want to chase away people with a starting price that is too high. Let the market forces work their magic and encourage people to get involved at a level that is comfortable for them. Be realistic, be aware of what is going on with other auctions, be fair, and start the bidding at a point that is alluring and enticing to the public.

Remember that “Buy It Now” is an option with some auctions, and if you know exactly what you want to sell something for, go ahead and place the price at this fixed mark. In general, you will find buyers using the “BIN” on an item that is a great value to them at this point and you achieve an immediate sale with no hassle, no waiting.

Go ahead, look through your closets, clean out the garage, and get up those eBay auction listings! Everybody wins!

Michael Warren

A Real Estate Auction as an Investor

June 28th, 2012 2 comments

I am getting sick and tired of all these unmentioned properties in my area. If only the banks would just adjust their prices then their messes could be cleaned up in a responsive fashion.

The lenders out there will have to learn to take the bite. Do not worry they are very creative and will get their money back from you another way.

Many prospective home buyers and investors have been trying to get great deals at auctions. I wonder why banks are sending a great deal of their properties to auction.

Online auction house’s popularity is huge today; go to you can have a mild auction feeling in the comfort of your own home. All it takes is a little addiction to online auctions and before you know it you will be at the live ones.

One of the first auctions I attended was held on the front yard of the property being auctioned. I was pretty mad that they showed up about forty-five minutes late. Within less than five minutes of their arrival the auction was over. It is truly amazing that from start to finish it was over so quickly.

When I go to a real estate auction as an investor I’m looking for a good deal. I know exactly what I am looking for. Also, what price they are worth and what I am willing to pay. Just too many times I just watch people bid them past what they are worth on the open market. On top of that they have to pay the auction house for its time. At that point you could have just made an offer on a similar property for a much lower price.

A fix percentage of the final bidding price is the most common way an auction house gets paid. That amount is added to your bid to make the final purchase price.

When placing your first bid at a real estate auction always remembers that there is additional cost on top of your bid. As rule of thumb I usually calculate about an extra ten percent in additional costs to be safe when calculating my highest bid price.

Today almost everything we read and sign have disclaimers throughout. I particularly like the auction books, go to they show you so many great deals in the front. When you flip to the rules and regulations section those great things don’t actually exist.

The first few pages of an auction always show you what an amazing deals you could get. In truth those numbers are just there to get your attention and motivate you to actually attend. Do you think that anyone would sell a house $500,000 home for $79,000?

I always thought the when you go to an auction if you bid the highest you win. I wish that was actually true. Many of the auctions have all things these super low starting points. It seems that they always forget to mention that there is a reserve price in the front of there books. Basically those numbers mean nothing and are just a fantasy. The lenders still get the price they want or they don’t have to sell.

Auctions seem to me to become a waste of time and money. I have to waste a full day and show them a considerable deposit just to bid. The actual bidding is supposed to be up to the buyers not the sellers.


Tips on getting started selling items on ebay?

June 27th, 2012 5 comments

I am a novice, but enjoy working with computers and combing garage sales, etc. Anybody out there successful in selling on ebay? How did you begin?

I just wrote an article about selling on Ebay which can be viewed at
Also, check out our wholesale directory at . If you don’t find what you need check back later because we are always updating our website with new wholesale sources.